Okay, I am really confused right now. I have a self-acknowledged 'emotionally-crippled' family member, who has difficulty with any emotion other than anger (is very comfortable with anger, rage, aggression, etc.). Has a very honest fear of being hurt, of losing control (hmm, maybe I have more than one of those, now that I come to think of it) of situations. Will not let themselves love beyond certain limits.
This same individual (the first one afore-mentioned, we'll just let the other control-personality go for a minute) did allow a certain degree of emotional involvement with a pet, and was crushed when she died, approximately two years ago. Now we have another pet, and the same attachment is rapidly developing.
Okay, back to control-personality #2, who pointed out the absurdity of allowing such feelings to develop with an animal instead of blood-relatives-family-members (i.e. HUMAN) relationships. I can recognize that the 'safety' of such a involvement, especially with a canine (remind me some time to give you the outline of my talk on Murray's Christ-like attributes) who can be so incredibly forgiving.
Today? I think I am happy that this individual (back to #1 in this short series of lectures) was NOT emotionally-available at the time that my children, at least, were growing up.
Because this 'newer' canine has been walked an incredible amount of times, and a ridiculous distance (at least in my limited view of what is acceptable as a Sunday afternoon stroll) because (are you ready) she has NOT had a bowel movement... TODAY. Not for the last three days, not showing any pain or discomfort, not acting any different... but has not (as of 22:13 tonight) as of now.
Can you imagine this type of behaviour with three children, all within four years of each other?! I think it might have driven me even MORE crazy that the emotional indifference.
She wants her planet back. Woolfy – “Shooting Stars” Funny how his voice in
this song made me think he was singing ratchet instead of rapture. I heard
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