Having just returned from a week at my daughter’s in San Diego, the following facts have expressed a strong desire to be posted and shared:
Nothing in the world is more beautiful than a child discovering something for him/herself the first time.
I always pack things which I never get done at home and somehow think I am going to find time to do it while on vacation.
Not having animals around compels me to fawn exuberantly over other’s pets (to include animals at Petsmart, dogs being randomly walked past me, and even the neighbor’s incessantly-barking Shepherd mix).
Being fed Cheerios by a grandchild can be the highlight of your morning.
People drive like suicidal maniacs, and I occasionally need to fight the inclination to help them reach their desired final destiny immediately.
Getting off of pain medications is not any fun.
I miss seeing the ocean.
I also have been incredibly spoiled by having 'regular' internet access for a week. I'm not certain if I will able to readjust to the plodding speed of my copper-wiring land-line connection.
She wants her planet back. Woolfy – “Shooting Stars” Funny how his voice in
this song made me think he was singing ratchet instead of rapture. I heard
This post made me really happy. One of the wonderful things about grandmas if they see your yappy, messy creatures and love them anyway (FYI I'm not talking about the dogs here)
Thank you for a wonderful week!
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