Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Why is Barack Obama's eligibility to be President of the United States being questioned (once again) because of his birth in the state of Hawaii ....

... and I don't recall ONCE hearing any squawk about Presidential candidate John McCain being born in (drum roll here) Panama.

So Hawaii isn't a state, but Panama is? Since when?


Annette said...

I've heard some people claim that the Pres was born elsewhere than the US...where, I cannot say. And Panama certainly is not a state that I know of! I wish we could pick more interesting presidents, like Harrison Ford or Bill Murray. Would we be that much worse off??

Hope said...

Harmony thinks Bill Pullman would be cool as President. And I don't think you can get much better than Harrison Ford ;-)

(Hey, we've already had Ronald Reagan, Arnold S., Jesse Ventura... heck, Fred Thompson was a serious nominee.... for about 3 minutes)

Annette said...

Hey, and if it's a black president you're after, I vote for Denzel Washington or Lawrence Fishburne!