A couple of weeks ago, I rode a bicycle (my daughter's) for the first time in years. So I went ahead and bought one when I got back home.
And tonight I rode it for the first time.
Not everything went well.
The seat, which has this niffy little 'quick-set' so you can change the height on the bicycle seat, immediately fell down every single time I sat on it.
The chain fell off.
The brakes worked, after a fashion, but made a constant irritating noise - much like the sound of a squirrel being slowly ground to death by a sander.
It was fantastic.
And to top it all off, I took the bike inside the horses' pasture.
And chased my horse around like a manic with the bike.
Can't imagine a better way to spend an evening.
She wants her planet back. Woolfy – “Shooting Stars” Funny how his voice in
this song made me think he was singing ratchet instead of rapture. I heard
Sounds fun! I've been somewhat tempted to buy a bike, but maybe when I've lost a bit more tonnage. Remember when you and I would ride our bikes around South Pas? Those were the days. I LOVED bike riding.
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